trajectory analysis
Trajectory analysis and mission planning for the Google Lunar X-Prize mission was completed using an Astrogator mission control sequence in AGI’s Satellite Tool Kit (STK) program. Astrogator allows space mission planning by piecing together various segments such as launch, propagate, maneuver, etc. Astrogator also includes a targeter tool which, using a differential corrector scheme, allows one to iteratively converge on a desired mission design based on a set of constraints. Below is an image of the STK Astrogator mission control sequence.
Fig. STK Astrogator Mission Control Sequence
There are several pages that discuss the Trajectory Analysis of this mission. You can navigate to them using the below links.
Detailed Explanation of Mission Control Sequence
Videos of Simulation (WMV Format)
Components of Trajsim.m (Trajsim.m calls other M-files)